Major events in July

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US embassy staff visit to YLF


Abnet Tadesse’s visit to YLF

Our regular guest and friend of Yeamlak Lijoch Foundation, Abnet Tadesse, visited our Aras Bet project with her two children and other relatives in Addis Ababa.

Abnet is a resident of Edmonton, Canada. Before coming to Ethiopia, she explained to her colleagues and friends in Canada about our work and organized a baby shower in the name of the mothers at our Aras Bet. Doing so, she raised around 245,500.00 Birrs. She contributed the money to support the work done to increase the number of beds in our Aras Bet from twelve to twenty-four. She also brought children’s clothes with her.

US embassy staff’s visit to YLF

Staff members of the US embassy in Addis Ababa visited our Aras Bet project. The staff brought various items for our Aras Bet use.

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